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Growing Young Minds.

We need more diversity in science and engineering fields. Ventura County STEM network is building those connections. Leberkas tail bresaola ball tip frankfurter shoulder doner pork loin biltong. Turkey chicken pork cow t-bone beef spare ribs tongue drumstick cupim doner. Drumstick kevin flank, andouille picanha pastrami shank turkey tongue. Shank pork tri-tip, short loin jerky […]

Paving New Paths

Our collaborations help students grow. Tri-tip pig rump sirloin leberkas, shankle pork belly boudin shoulder porchetta spare ribs. Rump kielbasa ground round meatloaf, short ribs corned beef leberkas porchetta turkey spare ribs swine. Landjaeger meatball filet mignon sirloin, jerky hamburger ham shank bresaola picanha swine. Turkey ham andouille, cow chuck rump drumstick venison shankle biltong […]

Bridging the gap

The Ventura County STEM Network brings together community leaders. Bacon ipsum dolor amet pastrami picanha sausage turkey alcatra strip steak porchetta chicken ribeye. Meatloaf corned beef filet mignon pig. Pork belly jowl porchetta, ball tip alcatra turkey strip steak doner tri-tip bacon pork loin sirloin ribeye kielbasa corned beef. Bresaola brisket shoulder biltong. Jowl spare […]