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Disaster in our life time

Disaster in our life time     When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast in 2005. It flooded 80% of New Orleans. This displaced millions of people and caused the death of 1883 people. This flood water also trapped 100 000 people in the city. Food became scares the water undrinkable because it was flooded […]

HCAHPS. How patients are changing Health Care

HCAHP. How patients are changing Health Care HCAHPS stands for Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems. HCAHPS provides a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients’ perspectives on hospital care. Before HCAHPS there was no standardized way to collect data, and the problem was you could not effectively compare hospitals […]


Sepsis   Sepsis is a state of complete body inflammation. Inflammation is normally one of the first lines of defense during the invasion of the body by pathogens. However this inflammatory state must be short lived or systemic inflammation can lead to organ failure. First we need to recognize sepsis before we can treat it. […]

Sedation Vacation

Sedation Vacation   Sedation vacation is a term used in the critical care field and refers to patients that are sedated and on a ventilator . The sedative is titrated down in order to perform Neuro checks and assess for the possibility of extubating. The sedation vacation is necessary to reduce ventilator acquired pneumonia, delirium […]

Technology, Data and trending

Smart Blood Pressure (SmartBP) BP Tracker This is a free App and what is does is, it keeps track of your blood pressure and allows for convenient storage and trending. The app is straightforward and easy use .This is very helpful if you have hypertension. Especially if you take your blood pressure a couple of times a […]

Nutrition: A log of nutrient intake for day

    1.Breakfast: Oatmeal   2.Lunch: Veggie Burger 3.Dinner. Pear and Gorgonzola Salad   4.Beverages For this day I consumed a total of 880 mg of Sodium. Sodium is in almost everything. It is an important part of our diet. If I had to cut down on my consumption of Sodium for cardiac issues I […]

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