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This is the End

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with submitting your blog posts and learning activities in a timely manner? 3 On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with participation posts on your peer’s blogs, GooglePresentation Discussions and VoiceThread comments? 3 Please describe […]

The Complexity of Ethics

Post a link to a current event involving unethical or ethical leadership. http://www.latimes.com/sports/usc/la-sp-josh-shaw-plaschke-20141113-column.html#page=1 What would take for more people to engage in the ethical actions presented? I think that it is just people’s conscious and integrity that it takes for people to engage in the ethical actions presented. Although not everyone can see the ethical […]

The Odd Ones Out

Here you can see that Regina George would be considered a part of the out-group, along with anyone else who doesn’t follow the “plastic” rules. Gretchen and Karen share their opinion that Regina cannot sit with them, and Regina tries to contradiction that. With Regina being a part of the out-group, she is not agreeing […]

Include the Unincluded

Based on the scores you received on the Organizational Climate Questionnaire on page 190 of the text, what are your strengths and weaknesses regarding establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization?   What strategies for establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization discussed in the text could you employ to improve […]

Preparing the Young for the Future

I decided to take a look at the vision statement for the Boys and Girls Club as I worked with this organization a few years ago. Provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who walks through our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high […]


I am a seeker. I seek to help others in need. I seek to educate and be educated. I seek to make a difference in children’s lives. I seek to stay within my local community to make change where I have grown up to see change needed. I seek to continue growing as a leader. I […]

Blog Post #6

What skill area and specific skills (discussed throughout chapter) are your strongest? I believe that a specific skill discussed in this chapter that I would consider to be strong is implementing a vision. In my opinion, the person articulating  the vision  does not have to be the person implementing the vision. In the leadership positions […]

Blog Post #5

As you reflect on what has been discussed in this chapter and your own leadership style, how would you describe your own style in relation to task and relationship orientations? What are your strengths and areas you can improve? I feel as though both task and relationship orientations are relatively important. However, with that being […]

Blog Post #4

As you reflect on the assumptions of Theory X and Y, how would you describe your own philosophy of leadership? Both theory X and theory Y are very precise with their attributes and ideas, if you will. Although the text presents the theories in a way that seems as though you can only be one, […]