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Knowledge from the heart

To begin I want to start with constructivism relating to learning engagement. Constructivism says when students are more interactive with an activity or assignment they are more likely to be engaged. In correlation chapter eight talks about learning engagement and supports this idea stating to learn you must be engaged. Cognivism…

Cycle of Socialization

6 Identities Male Heterosexual College student Hispanic White skin The identity I would like to describe through the cycle of socialization is my white skin. In the beginning I was the only one out of all my siblings with white skin and they use to make fun of me. I…

Peer Educator Ethics

You are talking with a student who describes having taken part in an activity that, if caught, would probably be a felony. The persons says this rather casually and even asserts rather boldly that nothing of consequence “happened.” The principles … Continue reading →

Digital Identity

Having an online identity is a digital version of yourself. Your presence online is similar to your real life presence in a sense that you still have actions online. What you post, like, and everything you do builds a image of how everyone and anyone online will perceive you.  I think what surprised me the most … Continue reading Digital Identity