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How We Change For the Better

Hello and good afternoon, Time sure does go by quickly when you are filling your brain with knowledge and news ideas. I have to admit that when I had realized that I had enrolled in a class that emphasized the idea of “digital fingerprinting” and “digital citizenship,” I was thrown back a bit. At the […]

Change in the Classroom

Hello and good afternoon, this week we are focusing on how the classroom of today needs to change with the different types of technology. We have tools today that were not available thirty years ago. Heck, if you think back to what was available just ten years ago, the information available and the methods of […]

Extra Extra…..Read all about it!

Hello and good morning, as we have all heard over the radio, or seen on the news cast, there has been a horrific event taking place in France. Multiple bombings causing thousands of casualties and 129 deaths,(My heart goes out to all of the family and friends of the victims). As most of the readers […]

Fully Emerged

Hello and good afternoon. For the past couple of months, I have directed my focus on the world and communities of LGBT. When I started this journey the research intended was to concentrate on the social issues that occur day to day. As I went further down the rabbit hole, I found that the issues […]

Still Diving In

Hello and good afternoon, this week has been a very colorful(no pun intended) week as I am still diving into the communities of LGBT. If you have not been following my blog, I will sum things up for you in just a few words. I have been taking on and researching the social issues that […]

Diving into the World of LGBT (Revised)

Hello and good afternoon, This week we dive into the world and communities of the LGBT.  As mentioned in previous blogs for the past few weeks, I have played the “Lurker” and watched events unfold from afar. I have followed a few groups while,  The Los Angeles LGBT Center, LGBT News and Human Rights Campaign […]

Being the “Lurker” (part two)

    Here we are in the second installment of “Being the Lurker”.  For those that might not know what a Lurker is, I found a few definitions for you that should be helpful getting you up to speed. Google defines it as: (of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to […]

Being a “Lurker”

Hello everyone and I hope that you are having a fantastic day. Today’s topic is Lurking and those that lurk. For those that might not know what that means, here are some definitions for you. Google defines it as: (of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for […]

Social Issues Go to Social Media

Hello everyone, today we dive into the huge world of social media and what it has to offer the LGBT community. I chose the three formats that I have an existing account for, due to that I really did not want to open new accounts just for research purposes. I am quite amazed with the […]

Social Issues Part Three

This week we dive even deeper into the social issues of the LGBT community. As a Health Science major and one that is very concerned with the well-being of my fellow student body,(and everyone else for that matter). I wanted to know what type of health issues were common and uncommon in LGBT, and if […]