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Social Issues Part Two

Hello and good afternoon   This week we are still on the social issues of college students. The issue that I will be talking on for the next few weeks is the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community and some of the pressures and issue that might arise. It seems to me that even […]

Social Issues?

For those that don’t know that when I am not buried three feet deep in textbooks and notes, shoving large amounts of information into my sometimes very tired brain,  I am a Bartender full-time and have been for many years. With the nature of the job, different topics come up from time to time that […]

My Digital Footprint

The question came up the other day, “What digital footprint have I left on the internet, and what information about me is out there  for people to see?” It had never really crossed my mind before, due to that  I really didn’t care about that type of thing. Now that the question was in the front of […]

About Me

My name is Ronald(most call me Ron)Mincey.  I could tell you that I am your everyday average guy, getting by on this rock, whizzing around through space, but that would be far from the truth. I am an old-school nerd that still loves D&D, super hero’s and super villains, classically stupid B movies, and continuing the […]

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