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Final Thoughts (Blog 3)

This post is my last post for this class. That is an ominous way to start this post, but it is the truth! So the final assignment is a reflection on what I had originally thought “digital citizenship” meant before the course. Before the course, I thought that “digital citizenship” was about the way the […]

Another Look at “Digital Citizenship” (Blog 2)

The assignment for this week strayed from our usual topic. I was not required to do more research or engaging in social media, instead the assignment leaned more towards traditional academics. I read an article titled “Turning Students into Good Digital Citizens”  and watched a TED Talk titled “From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-Able.” The next step […]

Still Fervently Engaging (Challenge 5.3)

This week was the final installment of engaging into social media for our social issues and topics. I tried something a little different with my engaging. Communicating via tweets and Instagram comments on strangers’ photos can sometimes feel like shouting into the void that the Internet can be, so I posted a status on Facebook […]

Participation Attempts Continued (Challenge 5.2)

This week’s assignment was to continue participation in social media. Similar to my results last week, I did not get feedback from the many users of the Internet. I went to Instagram to attempt to make contact with other users. I commented on several images that were shared in the #lgbtrepresentation tag asking how users […]

Beginning Participation (Challenge 5.1)

This week, we are stepping out of the shadows of lurking and finally beginning to participate in the social culture of our topics. I’m continuing to use Twitter as a way to participate in the topic of LGBT representation (this is one of the sites that we are required/allowed/expected to participate in). And although Tumblr […]

Lurking Deeper (Challenge 4.2)

This week, we continued to lurk on social websites for our social issues. I continued my lurking in the “#lgbt representation” tags of Tumblr and Twitter this week, and found pretty much the same results as my last week’s lurking. Because I was finding similar things this week, my lurking time per day went down […]

Fluffy Love and Peace: Therapy Dogs (Event 1)

Part of the requirements in this transfer class is to attend three different events at the campus! I went to my first event a week or so ago and spent time with therapy dogs! There were about 10 different dogs and their owners in the group. I got to spend time with all the dogs […]

Behind the Scenes (Challenge 4)

This week’s challenge has been to lurk on two social media sites about our respective social problems. “Lurking” is the act of simply observing what others say about a topic on social media and not personally participating in it. For my lurking experience, I lurked on Twitter and Tumblr in “#lgbt representation” and would scroll […]

Social Media Research (Challenge 3.3)

This week’s research invited us to search social media for our topics. In order to research social media, I felt it best to turn to Twitter for information. Twitter is used by many people because of its sheer convenience in spreading news, whether it is mundane or something worthwhile. I first looked for accounts that […]

Representation vs. Misrepresentation (Challenge 3.2)

The challenges for our class are growing to be more in depth of our topics. We are no longer simply scraping the surface of our research, but in the second component of this challenge, we are tackling scholarly articles for information towards our topic. In the subject of LGBT rights, I am most interested in […]