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OpenROV 2.8 Build Started!

Our Openrov 2.8 assembly kit revived!

Here is an update on the latest progress of the build.
Part I complete with the acrylic cementing of the main structure, camera platform, electronics chassis, and front battery endcaps!


Fixing end cap for Open ROV 2..

Today me and Amanda got a start of fixing the end caps on the Open ROV 2.7 model. We had to fix the wires inside also because the old ones were corroded. 

S1000 Octocopter is Near Completion

Our new aerial unit, the DJI S1000 Octocopter, is only a couple of tweaks away from completion. This unit was added to our ESRM aerial library to allow our new LiDAR unit to be used. The LiDAR unit will allow students to make 3D maps that have an accuracy greater than 1 cm/pixel, which is […]

Ballooning Plastic

Balloons trash the beach.  Image from BalloonsBlow.A few distinct, but unrelated experiences have brought the issue of plastic balloons in the ocean into frequent conversation this week. It began with last Saturday’s annual California Coastal Cleanup Day.  I happened to be out on Santa Cruz Island with my son’s Boy Scout Troop.  Our 30 scouts made quick work of the debris… Read more »

Ojai Oil Tank On Fire

A now more than 12 alarm fire erupted within the past hour in Ojai, California (in western Ventura County).  The incident was reported at 8:35 a.m. near Highway 150 and Topa Lane roughly here ( 34.438417°, -119.132719°): The incident was originally thought to be a burning oil derrick, but subsequent reports have clarified that it is instead a… Read more »

Rio’s Toxic Olympic Waters

Every two years the Olympic Games roll around and we are treated to endless commentary and an amazingly small amount of actual sport (at least on NBC Universal Channels that have a stranglehold on U.S. broadcasts via their $7.75 billion contract).  Outside of the NBC hype machine, we have seen a pattern in recent years of… Read more »

Ball of Confusion: Hall Canyon 1 Month On

It is almost one month since our most recent energy infrastructure foundering: Crimson Pipeline’s release of crude oil into the hills above the City of Ventura.  Lots of developments continue to burble up as we all try to figure out the next what surprise. As we assessed the spill in the immediate wake of that… Read more »

Freedom & Violence

The realization of an epidemic of police violence, racial/economic inequality, and deep-seated divisiveness across our country that has been growing for the past year and half exploded last night in Dallas.  The soul searching and groping for ways to move forward has been helped along thanks in no small part of technology. Access to Data […]