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Worked at Capstone today 

Today we did some volunteer work for an organization called Capstone which was created in response to hurricane Katrina and was designed to help less fortunate folks get food. It started as a community garden and has since grown to include an aquaculture system for catfish, bee colonies, chickens, and goats. While some of my […]

Learning about NOLA from many perspectives

Today we went to a farm area called Capstone in the Lower Ninth Ward that is a good desert. We helped clear a field for bee hives and also helped build hydroponic catfish ponds.  We also went to the Central Business District and talked to an Environmental attorney and an environmental reporter. Money is always […]

Day 6

Today we went to the lower ninth ward and assisted with a program called Capstone.  Capstone is a program that makes food gardens to support the local community.  As a part of our day we were split into a few different groups.  We started off weeding a small garden in the front yard of the […]


Heute haben wir für Capstone118.org gearbeitet und es ist ein sehr toll Organisation, dass Gemeinschaftsgärten machen und pflegen. Ich hab für 4 Stunden gemäht und jetzt bin ich so müde. Diese Pause ist nicht die typisch, aber es ist ok, weil ich anbieten mag. Danach sind wir nach die Central Business District gegangen, die mit […]

Today’s Visit to Capstone in the Lower 9th Ward

IMG_4456Posted from Austin, Texas, United States. Today our group headed to the lower 9th Ward to help a nonprofit called Capstone. Capstone was started by David Young in 2009 and it is a small non-profit that has turned 30 blighted or vacant lots in the Lower 9th into food gardens and orchards. The main goal […]


Today we went to Capstone Gardens, I mowed a lawn for a goat feed, pulled weeds and learned the process and set up of aqua-culture. This process was unique and complex but at the same time it all mad sense the fish feed the plants and the plants feed t…

Capstone Community Gardens

Today we began our day at Capstone Community Gardens located in the Lower Ninth Ward. Capstone community Gardens is a non-profit organization which has taken abandoned lots at turned them into community gardens and orchards. They provide all the food they grow to community members who need assistance. It was a great day learning about […]

Day 5 Nola 

Today was the 2nd day of field work! It was great because we finally got the hang of it! Getting in a rhythm was all it took.  

Day five: Is that a thorn or a cut?

We managed to get through four transects for our vegetation surveys. The first three went fairly well and as we moved further into the trail and further into the transect we saw less densely packed black berry and that meant less thorns for us to deal with. For our fourth and final transect we ended […]