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Day 3

Today was a full day of fun in the French Quarter.  We attended the New Orleans School of Cooking that was led by our host Michael. We formed teams & he walked us to the farmers market. There we  had a $20 budget to but whatever we wanted to make our assigned course. Patrick & […]


Heute hab ich ganz viel gemacht. Wir habben Creole Essen gekocht, wir haben ein Zwei-Stufen-Marsch an Bourbon Straße getanzt, und wir haben so viel im der Französische Viertel gelaufen

Day 2

Today we all left the hotel and headed to the New Orleans Historical Collection and walked through the history of the city. There were old maps and paintings as well as other artifacts. Pictured below was one of my favorite pieces. It is an illustrated newspaper that dip it’s sicknesses in the city. After we […]

Today was all about food! 

Today we went to the New Orleans Cooking school to learn about classic New Orleans food. It was super unique in that we went to farmers market to buy the ingredients for ourselves. The teams were: appetizer, salad, soup, entree, and dessert. I was head of the dessert team and we made calas. These are […]

Day three

We learned how to cook calas, which is a desert that was sold by slaves in an attempt to buy their freedom back. We definitely had a great meal today.

This is Jambalaya, and it was an amazing meal that we had throughout a five course meal.

Historic New Orleans Collection

This morning we started off our day by going to the Historic New Orleans Museum in the French Quarter. It was awesome to spend some timing hearing about the history of such a unique place and seeing the collection there. The old hand drawn maps were my favorite with all of the intricate details.   […]

Levee Failure Tour

Yesterday we went on a levee failure tour in the Lower Ninth Ward. This area was devestated as the flood wall protecting it from the Industrial Canal catastrophically failed. The area has been very slow to recover, as many of the property lots still lie  empty, some with only concrete slabs indicating where houses used […]

History, levees, food, music, and changing a tire….?

We started out our day by visiting the New Orleans Historic Collection Musuem and learning about the history of how New Orleans really came to be and how it morphed into this colorful and vibrant city filled with such diverse people. It turns out that the largest demographic/ethnic population here in New Orleans are African […]


Heute sind wir nach ein historisches Museum in die Französische Viertel und ein Levee Tour gegangen. Für Mittagessen haben wir Vietnamesische Essen bei Nine Roses gegessen und war sehr lecker. Ich hatte gelb Curry mit Schrimps Die Durchschnittperson in die USA wird 7k Meeresfrüchte essen aber hier in New Orleans 13-52k! Es ist unglaublich! Und […]

Day two: Levee Tour

We had a great tour of the levee system and the construction failures that led to the flooding. We also got a flat tire on our way to the last levee sight, which gave us all an opportunity to learn how to change a flat tire. Dr. Sean Anderson taking pictures on the levee wall […]