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One week to go

In exactly 168 hours (7 days) I’ll be on the Island Packers boat making my way to Santa Rosa. I’ll be checking the cameras for the first time in 5 months, so I look forward to lots of data to sort through. In addition, I’ll be assisting Dr. O’Hirok’s Stream Team in placing rebar in some of the water sheds for future monitoring. I’ll be there from Monday through Friday, so four nights. It’ll be my longest trip, and I…

Audubon Presentation on Beaches are Habitat Too

This weekend I had a presentation table at the Ventura Audubon event for “Beaches are Habitat Too” at the Channel Islands Boating Center.  Dr. Clare Steele presented on Sandy Beaches as habitats for many species, including Sand crabs and other invertebrates.  This community based…
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CSU Chancellor’s Conference

Tuesday evening Tevin Schmitt and I attended the CSU Chancellor’s conference sponsored by CSU Coast.  We shared our research on petroleum based pollutants in our sandy beach environment and their effects on sand crabs.

Research Update 3/13/16

This week I spent some time in the Owens Valley and Eastern Sierra mountain range learning about water management in Southern California. The Torrey pine has only two remaining locations that are both in Southern California, SRI and San Diego. Both locations are experiencing extreme drought which may be a contributing factor to species decline. … Continue reading Research Update 3/13/16

Polling further solidifies CSUCI’s prominence within UAV community

Camarillo, Calif., March 14, 2016— Have you ever operated an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle?  How do you feel about law enforcement using UAVs or drones?  How about universities? Movie studios?   These are some of the questions on a public poll on UAVs—also called drones—that is currently being run by the Aerial and Aquatic Robotic Research […]

Life is Full of Surprises

Hayley is joining me, a good thing. The 6:05am shuttle is full, egads! As I prepare: buy galoshes, figure out how to get to Portland Airport and generally prepare for this trip, I am psychologically not ready…too much busy work that keeps me grounded and here in Corvallis.

Started Analyzing Data

I have started comparing water quality data from each site by looking at the average measurements of temperature, turbidity, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, ad chlorophyll from each site. Here is a summary of those values:  Almost every site had a chlorophyll level that fell below 1.5 µg/L. The only exception being Soledad Canyon Creek, … Continue reading Started Analyzing Data

Tree Growth

This weekend I had to leave my trees in the care of some friends because I went on  a trip to the Owens Valley with my water management class.  I always get a little worried when I trust my work to others but they did a great job and there has yet to be any … Continue reading Tree Growth

Research Update 3/6/16

This week was spent interpolating data on ArcGIS and I began calculating the area of each year to find the total area and direction the population is moving toward. In addition, I spent the last few days in the Eastern Sierras for Water Resources Management where we learned about and followed our water supply from the … Continue reading Research Update 3/6/16

Continuing to Collect Data

This week I was able to process a few more sample populations of Sand crabs and have found evidence of microparticle ingestion in every one.  Sadly the ubiquity of plastic pollution in the sandy beach ecosystem continues to be the…
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