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Summerland Oil…Again

For the past several days we have been seeing unusually heavy oil deposition along the beaches in Summerland, centered just below Lookout Park.  While we have been in a period of higher than normal seep activity for the past year or so, this tarring event seems beyond a mere seep event.  This smacks of some… Read more »

Plans for March

Over spring break, I will be traveling to Santa Rosa Island to finish collecting my data. I will be surveying my second watershed, Quemada Watershed. After the trip, my data set will be complete and ready for final analysis. During March, I will also be analyzing my current data set and prepare a poster for … Continue reading Plans for March

Prep for BWET Mentoring

The AARR Team has been gearing up for participating in some more community outreach through the BWET Mentoring program.  For two weeks, beginning March 7, the R. J. Frank Middle School students will learn and discover the possibilities of underwater exploration and benefits of research through the use of Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs).  Not […]

GIS Remake

After a frustrating 3 hours on ArcGIS I noticed everything was broken. The original map was projected in NAD 1927 Zone 10 as a attempted to fix it items disappeared and got worse than the original projection from “unknown.” This was not fun and was a blow to moral. The only fix was to restart my … Continue reading GIS Remake


I just finished writing my draft results section of my research project. I compiled the raw data into graphs to begin statistical analysis. Overall the project is going well. My next scheduled island trip is March 21-25 where i plan to lay rebar at all…


Last week was extremely exciting!  I finally planted all the seeds I collected in the greenhouse.  Evie, who is doing the same experiment with the Torrey pines, and i stayed at the greenhouse until midnight to plant 800 seeds each.  It was quite a long and painful experience but it should lead to some great … Continue reading Greenhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy leap day!

I will be spending the extra day we have in 2016 going through all this debris I collected. Processing all of the debris collected from my winter surveys is taking much longer this time around that it did from the fall surveys. I think because there is way more tiny plastic fragments then last time, … [Read more…]

Greenhouse Setup

Last week was spent getting the greenhouse on the CI campus set up for germination trials. Part of my capstone focuses on the germination of Santa Cruz Island Bush Mallow (Malocothamnus fasciculatus), which is an endangered species and also an island endemic. This species was included in my native seed mix, so by conducting germination trials in the…

Presentation day!!!

Well this week Erika, Chris, Cause and myself were at the Channel Islands boating center where we got to see all of the student present the finds that they have been doing research on for the last two weeks. They all did amazing well. The High School students really knew their stuff as well as … Continue reading Presentation day!!!