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Research Update 2/28/16

This week was spent working on the results section of my paper. Last week I found that the data has shown a slight decrease in the SRI population. While this has likely been happening for some time it is interesting to see the change in the short period the population is being monitored. This past … Continue reading Research Update 2/28/16

Weekend with Science Kids

This weekend I worked with kids from Robert J. Frank Middle School in the NOAA B-WET Program at the CI Boating Center.  The kids worked on their scientific presentations and got a chance to kayak around the beautiful Channel Islands Harbor.  Its great to see…
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Teaching Teachers

A fun conference Our AARR Team was graciously invited to be a part of this year’s annual conference for the Gold Coast Science Network. This professional society for K-12 educators across our region of southern California draws their members from a area roughly bounded by San Luis Obispo County in the north, Orange County in […]

Our 2016 UAV Poll is Live!

Please consider taking our brief poll about UAV perceptions and uses.  This poll is for anyone, open to all regardless of any previous experience with UAV.  Please take a few minutes to take it and to share our link with your friends. It should take you less than 10 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. […]

Gold Coast Science Network Conference

Anyone around this Saturday in Oxnard should consider swinging by the Gold Coast Science Network Conference at Oxnard College. Several of our AARR group members and I will be on hand to discuss our current robotics efforts.  I will be presenting the keynote address cover an overview of our recent work to engage students with […]

Week 5 Update

I am in my fifth week of my final semester of undergrad. In my capstone class, I am making progress on my thesis. So far, I have rough drafts for my introduction, methods, and am currently writing my results. This week in class we had to present our project to the class. Overall, there is … Continue reading Week 5 Update

Marine Debris Surveys on Santa Cruz Island

This weekend I was lucky enough to go to Santa Cruz Island and survey 3 beaches on the West end of the island for marine debris. I have never been to this side of the island before so it was an amazing experience! Robyn, Dorothy, & I got to the island on Friday and left … [Read more…]

Carpinteria State Beach

Well this week has been truly busy, we had a Steve Whitiker come in and talk about sandy beach monitoring to the high school students that was Wednesday 2/17. Then on Thursday 2/18 the two high school classes went out to Carpinteria State Beach to finally do the research that we have been training them … Continue reading Carpinteria State Beach