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Weekend Trip to Santa Cruz Island

I went out to Santa Cruz Island this weekend to see if there had been any successful germination in my plots from the seed mixture that I broadcasted about a month ago. I’m happy to report that there has been successful germination! I documented the progress and hope to go out to Santa Cruz in…

The Great Oil Miscalculation

It is hard to underestimate the influence our Federal Energy Information Agency (EIA) has on energy markets.  Their annual and quarterly reports, littered with predictions, drive investments, public policy, and global understanding of energy production and consumption. So the recent coming to terms with the fact that the EIA has of late been hugely overestimating American… Read more »

Research Update 2/21/16

Hey guys, this week I started playing around with the dozens of collected aerial images I have. I also am meeting with my advisor within the next few days to touch base and maybe gather some additional resources. In addition, I have also started to analyze the demography plot data and have found some very … Continue reading Research Update 2/21/16

Test Post

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.
This is a test. I repeat this is a test.

Test post

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.
This is my test post