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Week 3 of 2016

All, Thanks for the great group editing session in Capstone yesterday. It sounds like most…

Maps and Methods 2/8/16

All of my points, tracks, and shoreline data are in ArcMap now. Working on my map is slow and painful. The tracks are looking good and clearly show the shoreline eroding away. I intend to us a program called Digital Shoreline Analysis System DSAS which will help compute the rate at which the beach is eroding. … Continue reading Maps and Methods 2/8/16

Refugio Spill Seminars

Santa Barbara Channelkeeper is hosting a series of Refugio Oil Spill-related talks through the end of March 2016.  It looks like there will be some great presentations! From their website: The Plains All American Pipeline Spill provided a harsh reminder that oil exploration, production, and transport along our coast can have significant impacts on the environment,… Read more »

Methods Section

The past week has consisted mostly of me piecing together the methods section of my paper. My first draft is done and I will be getting some good peer reviewed feedback on it in class today. I also continued my data collection this week and will be turning my attention more towards the analysis and comparison … Continue reading Methods Section

Unforseen Problems

Like any research, variables arise that were unplanned for. Elastic cords are used to hold the infrared cameras on a post, and apparently they were not tight enough. While my main objective is to photograph rats, the island foxes have proved themselves to be incredibly curious. One fox in Lobo Canyon was inspecting the camera, … Continue reading Unforseen Problems

Vegetation Significance

This photo was taken in the upper reaches of the Water Canyon Watershed on Santa Rosa Island. In this area of the watershed, the terraces are bare with eroded soil and small pockets of bunch grasses. There are steep slopes in the top of this watershed, similar to most watersheds. Vegetation not only contributes to … Continue reading Vegetation Significance

Methods and TPSNR Permit

For the past week, I have been working on my methods section for Capstone. Also, I have received my collecting permit for TPSNR. Next weekend, I will be heading to TPSNR to collect Torrey pine pinecones for my common garden experiment. I am super excit…

Drone Ed Conference

  This Saturday CalPoly Pomona hosted our first-ever North American Drone Educator’s Conference.  Folks from across California (and a few from further afield) gathered on a warm Saturday afternoon at the Kellogg Conference Center in Pomona, California to discuss a myriad of aspects of teaching students to create, use, and become otherwise professional members of our burgeoning […]