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A Week on Santa Rosa

I had the opportunity to spend a week out on the island to work on my capstone so I was there from January 12th through the 19th. As much as I thought I’d be able to get everything done in a week, I realistically only had enough time to finish up one of my sampling … Continue reading A Week on Santa Rosa

Leadbetter Beach 12-19-15

Over the last weekend, some colleagues (Michaela Miller and Dorothy Horn) and I tabled at the ” 2015 Lakey Peterson Keiki Bowl”. The event held surf contests, surf lessons from Lakey and the high-five beach cleanup. Our booth represented CSU Channel Islands and the ESRM department. We presented on the awareness of micro-plastics and marine debris. It was … Continue reading Leadbetter Beach 12-19-15

After the Spill: Oil & Coastal Wetland Loss

Recovery in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon has been something of a slow recovery when it comes to the most impacted communities (mid- and deepwater).  More readily-viewable areas have seen mixed recovery. Much of the discussion in Louisiana has centered around the payments or “getting back to work.”  A new documentary, After The Spill,… Read more »

Getting together

Getting together with my advisor and research partner about our research questions and the next few steps in our project. On the 20th Cause, Erika and Chris and the NOAA educational advisor about the limpid protocol so that we can teach our classes on …

SRI January Trip

Next Tuesday capstone students embark on the week long trip to the research station. This will be a good chance to get many of the groves out liars pin pointed with GPS. Doing research on papers and articles looking into why oaks do what they do we may have a better understanding of what we … Continue reading SRI January Trip

Scanning & 3D Printing The Dead

Another interesting use for our burgeoning suite of scanning/imaging tools married with 3D printing tools is accessing/investigating things we can’t otherwise see or get to. I just got back from the newest exhibit on mummies at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.  Mummies: New Secrets From The Tombs is a travelling exhibit from Chicago’s Field […]

Practice Quiz #1

This is my first try at making a quiz. This is a practice description.

1. Which long-lost British space probe was found on the surface of Mars in January, having not been seen for over a decade?
 Beagle 2
 Janus 2

Looking around

Been looking around at the different teaching techniques to try and find out what will be the best way to give out the information to the kids. It is amazing how you can have a few different main ideas and yet there can still be a lot of different options for it. An example could … Continue reading Looking around