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An X Prize for Going Deep

The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE seeks to usher in a new era of deep exploration of the oceans.  This will both help with/foster both basic and applied research.  Not the least of which will be to boost our understanding of baseline conditions before subsequent impacts from deep sea mining of oil/gas extraction. Formal Announcment Here… Read more »

International Drone Expo 2015

This past Saturday several members of our AARR Team trekked down to the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown Los Angeles.  We checked out the second annual International Drone Expo, a mixture of conference presentations and a large exhibit floor showcasing a range of UAV manufacturers.  The exhibit floor was a nice mix of manufacturers, […]


Guy Trimby (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) in collaboration with Paul Spaur, and the rest of the AARR team, set to prove that OpenROVs can be used as tools to detect fluorescence in the marine environment, and used the Cook Islands as a test bed for this experiment.Guy developed an UV LED light package, which excites proteins […]

Thermal Imaging

In order to really verify that what I am seeing on the radar is a bird, I am going to need to verify it with sightings on the ground. Peak migration happens at night (and in the spring and fall) so this will take time and a thermal imaging camera. I have several ideas from … Continue reading Thermal Imaging

Filtering Out The Clutter

I have gotten through the tough wind problem I was faced with and have created a formula which can be used in the algorithm to shift directionality of movement based on wind. I am using a color scheme that picks out targets that are within the right speed, this is radial velocity.  and I have … Continue reading Filtering Out The Clutter