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The permitting process has taken about a month and a half now. I am looking forward to finally getting my encroachment permit this week from the Ventura County Water Protection District so I can start to collect data. For now, here are some photos from…

Sand Crabs from new places!

More sand crab samples arrived last night from friends in Northern California!  I am excited to see what I find in the different sample locations!  

light at the end of the tunnel

This semester has been a busy but rewarding one, and it is almost over! i have finished all of my mainland marine debris surveys for Fall. Next is to process and record all of the data I collected and that will be my winter break project. I would like to figure out a slightly different

ESRM 370

Take our next class on Remotely Piloted Systems Last spring we taught our first-ever course on UAVs under a special topics course listing.  Finally, we have our very own stand-alone numbering (ESRM 370: Introduction to Remotely Piloted Systems).  This course is open to any major and has no pre-requisites.  We will meet Friday mornings over […]

Refugio Spill Talk at WSN

Last weekend our sandy beach troupe made the long (6.5 hour) drive up to Sacramento for the 96th annual meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists.  This is a core meeting for our research group and one of the few meetings we attend every year, rain or shine.  This year’s meeting saw several of our students and professors presenting… Read more »

Pipeline Repairs Will Take A Loooong Time

News is just breaking that the repair of the embattled trunk line delivering crude oil from Refugio’s onshore distribution facility to refineries in Kern County that ruptured last May and caused the Refugio Oil Spill may take a long, long time to repair. While I have found such estimates to almost assuredly be overblown, the sheer order… Read more »

Port of Hueneme MAST Lab Visit

Last week the team went to visit the Marine Advanced Science and Technology laboratory at the Port of Hueneme. This port is one of the largest on the west coast, and is a major thoroughfare for commercial products, such as fruits and vegetables, and automobiles. The laboratory was built by the port to facilitate development […]

Cook Islands Coral Reef Poster

We’re looking forward to showcasing our undergraduate student research on campus on Wednesday October 21st from 5-7pm in the Sierra Hall roof garden. Click the link for a poster preview: 2015 Cook Islands Student Research Collaborations