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Sage Conference

I just finished presenting my poster the Sage research conference. Overall it was a great experience to present my research and collaborate with fellow researchers. As my semester comes to an end, stress levels are high. I plan to spend the next few days finalizing my capstone paper which is due on May 16, at … Continue reading Sage Conference

Wait….capstone is over?!

This Monday we had our last official capstone class, and it just hit me how fast this year went by. SAGE is tomorrow, our final thesis is due Monday, and then we are DONE! We all have put some long hours in this semester, and especially over the last week. Everyone has been working so … [Read more…]

Reflections of the Project

This project gave me a ton of experience. I learned more about the island every time I visited. I learned a vast amount about island bio-geography and ecology. I also had tons of fun hiking through rough terrain and making new friends at the research station. This semester was the most fun I have had at … Continue reading Reflections of the Project


Most students have been working diligently at editing and typing the final copy of the thesis paper. I am also prepping for the SAGE symposium. I have resumes and business cards prepared for people interested. I am very excited for my first symposium, it should be an interesting experience.


I decided to go out to my sites this weekend one last time just for the heck of it. To my utter delight I finally saw a small school of unarmored threespine stickleback! They were in a large pond at White Rock Lake Campground which is part of the Soledad Canyon site. I counted 25 of them. … Continue reading Eureka!

New Media Page!

A new media page has been created which features photos and videos from my research on Santa Cruz Island. Check out the link below!

Research Update 5/8/16

The last few weeks have consisted of me perfecting my SAGE poster that will be presented at the 8th annual SAGE conference next Saturday and my senior thesis. With the poster done all of my work has been aimed at finishing and improving my paper. I look forward to presenting my data and research to … Continue reading Research Update 5/8/16