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Air Quality & Urban Oil Fields

Source: Southern California air board puts new restrictions on urban oil fields – LA Times We have seen a spate of complaints about air quality near our urban oil fields here in southern California over the past few years.  This appears related to increased use of hydraulic fracturing methods to free up oil and gas… Read more »

Oiling is Localized to Summerland

After several hours of detailed field assessments across Summerland beaches and associated explorations of neighboring beaches bracketing the Summerland area yesterday, we now have a much clearer and complete picture of the current beach oiling event occurring in Summerland at the moment.  Below I summarize the state of affairs as of Sunday, August 23, 2015.  … Read more »

Summerland field observations

More to come shortly, but the oiling here appears to clearly be a case of heavier than normal seep activity. The issue seems to have been driven by some local topography concentrating the oil into some rather defined pools/swales.  Several of these happen to be right at the foot of the main public ramp/entrance to… Read more »

Fresh oil in Summerland

We are getting several reports in recent hours of oil washing up in an around Summerland, CA (just south of downtown Santa Barbara).  At this point, the source is unclear.  As with the sighting in late July, this could well prove to be simply heightened seep oil activity, but the volume is of concern.  It… Read more »


Well it’s been a few weeks since we were on the island. I sort of feels like it didn’t really happen to me. However when I look at the pictures I know it really did happen to me and it wasn’t just an amazing dream. I am eternally grateful that I was one of the […]

Invertebrates Stole My Heart

I have always been fascinated with fish. When I was growing up people would ask me my favorite animal, my response was always fish or turtles. Before going to the Cook Islands the only places I’ve seen fish were in lakes, rivers, or right off the coast of California. The fish I had seen in […]

The Noni Tree

During our trip to the Cook Islands we were introduced to Morinda citrifolia, the noni tree. It bears about 50 flowers and creates a very unique looking fruit of a cream color. If your unsure of whether the plant your looking at is a noni, just take a nice whiff of the fruit. It is known […]