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Motu, Bommi, Patch Reefs and Sandy Beach surveys.

    On Thursday we left with the start of the sun peaking across the water to do a full day of surveying in the lagoon surrounding the main part of Aitutaki. We left the dock and zipped across the clear turquoise water to see the amazing coral reefs in the lagoon.  As the boat stopped we […]

Moving forward with our RPS

After having a successful trial of the bio-fluorescence sensor package for the ROV, we made some adjustments to the payload. We improved the balance and the lights and did three 50 meter zig-zag night transects into the patch reefs, and found a lot of fluorescence! The system and collaboration with Guy Trimy/PML has worked out […]

Reflection after Coming Home 

           After this trip I will always remember how important the ocean is, and how important taking care of it is. On Aitutaki we learned different types of research protocol, but we also learned what community and kindness means. 

Symbolic of…something

I just got home and started bringing bags/equipment crates inside.  A turned to put my new CSUCI (aka CIinCI) hat on our hat rack and what did I see?  This:   To the left is either my son’s or wife’s Koru Cafe hat we got last year and to the right is my “old school” CSUCI […]

I must be back in California…

Our New Orleans trips have a “getting home to SoCal” tradition.  Once we land at LAX (usually late at night), we hit the In-N-Out on Sepulveda for some burgers (preferably Animal Style) and fries. Having just returned the good Dr. Lambrinos to LAX for his connecting flight up to Oregon I decided to make the […]

Some great photos from the trip….

This is  what a hermit crab looks like without its shell. Crabs, like snakes or lizards shed their shell and go into hiding for up to 3 weeks while they create a new one. This Hermit crab was looking for a new home when we found him!   We picked up 8 bags of trash on […]