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Plymouth Marine Lab

As you all know, we will be joined by yet another Brit on this crazy adventure of ours! Guy Trimby hails from the UK’s Plymouth Marine Lab (PML). PML engages in research covering a wide range of fields, these include air-sea gas exchange, biodiversity and ecosystem function, coastal production processes, ecosystem modelling and forecasting, geo-engineering […]

Remotely Piloted Systems Research Blog 2015-07-23 07:29:01

Cook Islands Preparation Update #2 Yesterday 07/21/15 After further investigation, we found that many of our ROVs had several small nicks in the wires. This allowed salt water to enter the plastic jacketing which corroded the wires. Some were corroded all the way into the electronics capsule, which necessitates replacement of the wiring harness. At […]

So excited!

I am so excited to go to the Cook Islands! I am looking forward to everything on this trip! I love learning about different cultures and am so excited to add research to the mix. I am looking forward to learning about and seeing different species I have never encountered. I am also eager to […]

The Coconut Crab

The coconut crab (Birgus latro) is the largest terrestrial arthropod and is in the same family as the terrestrial hermit crab. They live near the ocean but prefer dense forest cover. These crabs have adapted to breathing on land with their unique organ called branchiostegal lung. This lung has tissue that is similar to tissues found […]

Cant just choose one!

I have to say that I’ve never been much of a traveler but always aspired to be – so cheers to my first journey. I anticipate that there will be many sleepless nights as I do my best to adjust to a lot of exciting changes, but I also anticipate that I will be learning […]

European appearance in the Cooks Islands

The first occurrence of Europeans on the Cook Islands was in 1595 on Pukapuka, one of the Northern Islands, then again in 1606 and thereafter. Although the most seemingly significant European visit was by Captain Cook in 1773, hence how the islands got their name – Cook Islands. Before his appearance the islands were generally called […]

I’m so excited!

What am I not looking forward to?! This is the trip of a lifetime. I want do something involving Marine Biology after school so getting to go to the beautiful islands will be amazing! I’m looking forward most to snorkeling and seeing the marine life there in the lagoon and reefs. I’m super curious about […]

Coral of the Cooks

My topic was involving the coral in the Cooks. I was honestly surprised to see as many articles come up as I did. One article had divers focus on the West and North side of Rarotonga which is supposed to be the most diverse site of the island with its coral and fish populations. There […]

Why I am Excited for this Trip

The main reason I am excited to be part of this trip is that we get to study a beautiful part of the world that has had very little previous research conducted in it.  The methodology we are using to study the area, unmanned systems, is particularly thrilling to me as well.  Not only that, […]

Looking Forward

Going on this trip to the Cook Islands, I am most looking forward to the overall experience I will be getting out being given this opportunity. First, I am not a very experienced traveler, so I feel like the traveling on this trip better prepares me for future endeavors where large traveling is required. Also, […]