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Unusual Metrics: Documenting our Workload

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. — Albert Einstein   We have been fortunate to have been running a Summer Institute for undergraduates from CSU Channel Islands and our regional Community Colleges since 2009.  Every June we pull in students from these campuses and embed them… Read more »

Naples Reef Still Looking Good

  Our colleagues at Santa Barbara Channelkeeper just ran another subtidal inspection on Naples Reef (a few minutes south of the Refugio spill epicenter) and happily again found no obvious sign of major oiling in the area.  This combined with our previous surveys in this same area a few weeks back and California Reef Check‘s… Read more »

Deepwater Horizon: The Settlement

Is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush? Apparently government and industry lawyers both think so. I’m eating some squid nigiri and a baked crawfish California roll at my favorite sushi spot in Thousand Oaks to celebrate the end to this five-year escapade and pen this here blog entry. But enough about… Read more »

Summer Institute

We are just wrapping up another fantastic three weeks with our annual installment of Project ACCESO’s Summer Institute.  This program, funded by the Department of Education, blends CSU Channel Islands undergrads with undergraduate from community colleges across our region.  This year, our ESRM team was fortunate to have student researchers from Santa Barbara City College,… Read more »

First hints at changing perceptions

Our on-going public opinion polling of beach goers in the wake of the Refugio Oil Spill is beginning to show some interesting patterns.  We are still in the midst of collecting data (check back in a week or two when we have had a chance to fully explore this data coming in daily), but a… Read more »

Ocean Floor Surveys Outside of the Refugio Oil Spill

On June 10th, we set out together with our partners at Santa Barbara Channel Keeper on their boat the R/V Channel Keeper. We headed to Naples Marine Protected Area (MPA), which is just a few miles down current from the Refugio Oil Spill Site. We had a few VIPs along with us, a reporter from Rolling […]

DARPA Robotics Challenge 2015 part 2

  The rest of the weekend progressed wonderfully the team had a lot of exposure at our booth in the expo We put our OpenROV, Leviathan into our demo tank, which was a hit with spectators and children. We fed the video from our laptop to a large monitor, so spectators could see the cockpit, […]

KCRW Covers Our Team

Larry Perel did a great update on our beach monitoring efforts.  We recorded this last week, but he has updated his story with some of our more recent efforts.  Check out his story that aired on KCRW yesterday by clicking on the image below.