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Final Thoughts

My name is Stephanie Jamal. I am a student in the Communication Program at California State University Channel Islands. Recently, I was given an opportunity to participate in a Service Learning course offered by the Environmental Science and Resource Management Program at my University. The course offers undergraduate students a chance to gain field experience […]

A Trip to Remember

Before leaving for the trip, our class learned some history about New Orleans, the culture, and the devastation Hurricane Katrina caused, but actually being in New Orleans and experiencing the culture and actually seeing the devastation that Hurricane Katrina caused was not something I would have ever expected to experience. What touched me the most […]

Looking back

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.New Orleans is easily the most amazing place I have ever been and I will never forget my experience with the ESRM 492 class. I was inspired by the kind nature of the city’s residents, the phenomenal musicians, and the diverse culture that blessed New Orleans. Exploring the French Quarter […]

Come celebrate our students’ work!

Posted from Cerritos, California, United States.On April 8th we will be celebrating our 9th Annual Poster/Video/Gumbo session in the Broome Library from 5-6:45pm. This is a free event, open to all.  We would love to see you there!   2015 Poster Session Ad