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Over 120 Dives!

At first we were nervous about such an inexpensive and user created platform such as OpenROV for performing oceanic research. Comparable systems cost 10 times the price, but are unfortunately out of the reach of our funds. The OpenROV 2.6 units had a lot of problems with the motors, and we had concerns with durability. The […]


Been working are this piece all day. It’s coming along great. Listening to Irvin Mayfield and working on my project is a great combination!!!   

A time to reflect

My experience in New Orleans went above and beyond my expectations had before the trip. As I sit here in the library on a Thursday night frantically working on unfinished work mini flashbacks  pop into my head as if I was back in New Orleans. These flashback are of course with friends, friends that share […]

Reflections on our trip to New Orleans

This trip was everything I expected it to be and much more then I could put into words. At first I was a little skeptical about how it would go and the mix of activities we had to get imursed into it all. But Dr. Anderson was unbelievable in the activities and content he provided. […]

A New Perspective 

It’s hard to properly reflect on the last week spent down in New Orleans. I feel that a trip such as this opened my eyes to such a variety of cultural and environmental concerns that it’ll take some time before I can truly understand the meaning of what I’ve learned. What I can say is […]

Reflection time

After having a few days to reflect upon a wonderful experience so many memories will stay with me forever. So many things were done in such a short space of time.  The music, the cool interesting people, the swamp, all of the learning….. There were so many experiences i will never forget. Sharing this experience […]

Remembering NOLA: Spring 2015 CSUCI service learning

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.Time was insufficient, and the need to continue our service learning is still lingering in my mind as I picture elderberry recruits. The smell of gas in the air, and the feeling of NOLA humidity is now reminisced by us all. The sound of trumpets and street performers still buzzes […]

I Got the Blues for New Orleans

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.The 10 days that were spent in New Orleans were nothing but good times, with great people. Unfortunately it has been 4 days since I was last in NOLA and I will cherish every minute that I had there. From Jackson Square in the French quarter where you could walk […]

In Reflection…

I cannot believe that I almost didn’t go to New Orleans!!! I was on the fence about joining the NOLA trip in my last semester before I graduate. I commute from Orange County and barely have enough time to fit everything in as it is let alone go on a two and a half week […]

Missing Louisiana is an Understatement

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States.Over the course of my academic career, I have had numerous opportunities to travel and visit culturally and environmentally significant locations. All had a significant impact me, but none like New Orleans. As I reflect on the trip, I am overwhelmed with emotions. We were able to participate in numerous activities […]