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Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?

When you really get up close and examine a subject closely from a scientific perspective, I have found that along with the data collected you establish a deep connection with that subject. And when that subject is a place, a connection can be felt to the whole environment, its plants, animals, people and culture. I can say […]

Fully Acclimated to NOLA 

 Welllll it’s been an amazing experience here in NOLA, but it’s time to head back to reality. Wanna make a shout out to all of my peers who made this an unforgettable trip. Thank you

Here we come California! 

Thank you Sean, Tom, John, and Diana for this amazing opportunity to help the people of New Orleans and take the time to teach us about the issues Louisiana faces. We are all grateful to be part of this amazing cause!  

Day 11: last meal 

Here at the rugby pub having a nice Sunday morning brunch before our flight back to California. This whole experience has been amazing. We have met some awesome people and done great work.  

Data fun

Ending our trip with some good old data entry.    The boys look like they’re having fun. 

Last Full Day

 Today was our last full day at the Woodland field site and we had some special guests joining us. Tulane students with an array of majors joined us and we’re excited to get working and helping us with our surveys.  The wonderful student that my group got was Simone. She is an environmental science […]

The last celebration

The group had some amazing Vietnamese food and wandered through the French Quarter one last time to say good bye to this wonderful city.