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Learned, Most Shocking, Missed

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States. Learned:            The following are some of the highlighted and interesting aspects of my trip to New Orleans. The Cooking School was really interesting. Using the local markets and talking with the community members really opened my eyes to starting line of people making local food. Visiting and learning about […]

What I Wish I Would Have Know About NOLA

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States. The Service learning trip to New Orleans was an amazing eye opening experience. For the more part, all of the essential amenities were met by the class but there are a few items of information I learned from attending. My personal experience with New Orleans was strongly swayed by […]

2016 Service Learning Poster Session

ESRM 492 Poster Session 2016Come by Sierra Hall on Wednesday, April 20 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM for this year’s installment of our annual post-trip poster/video/gumbo fest!  We’ll have food and posters and videos…and maybe even a one of a kind board game inspired by this year’s trip. All are welcome to this free event!

Do You Know What it Means to Miss New Orleans? ?

screenshot_2016-03-27-17-05-48-1.pngIt has been two full weeks since our departure from New Orleans and not a day goes by that I do not reflect on my experiences.  Going into the class I did not realize to what extent the “service” aspect of our trip would include. I really enjoyed the farming and agricultural practices we were […]

Missing New Orleans

img_3955.jpgIt’s strange to think that just a few short weeks ago, our class was spending the last few days of our Spring Break trudging through the muck and mud of the Woodlands Conservancy trails recording data and counting species. This experience has been one that I will never forget, and not in the stereotypical sentimental […]

Looking Back

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States. About 3 and a half weeks ago my classmates, or should I now say friends and I got on a plane to New Orleans and arrived in Louisiana on Saint Patrick’s day.  We were all excited to explore, learn, and give back to the community of New Orleans.  We all […]

Reflective Post

This service internship class to New Orleans was another experience. I don’t say that to diminish it’s effect more that another has come and gone and I am a changed person because of it. I was introduced to this class when the famous Dr. A came into my History of Economics of North America class […]

AAG Conference

I participated in a poster session at the AAG Conference (American Association of Geographers) in San Francisco on March 31 to present my capstone research. Overall it was a great experience. At the conference I did some networking for possible job opportunities and masters programs. The conference also served as good practice to present my research … Continue reading AAG Conference

What it means to miss New Orleans

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States. We have been back from New Orleans for about two weeks now, and life has somehow returned to normal routines and busy schedules. However, taking the time to reflect on my experience in New Orleans reminds me how much I have grown from this trip. It’s one thing to learn […]