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Posted from Address not found.   It’s not every day you get to see a huge fuzzy spider. Out of all the interesting bugs and insects we’ve come across, this was one of the coolest!

No Place I Would Rather Be

After having worked the last two days in the swamps along side some of the most knowledgeable and interesting young adults I have met in quite some time, there is only one word that comes to my mind. (No, it is not cornbread.) This word happens to be respect. Each person on this team is incredibly […]

Day 2 in the Swamp! 

Day 2 felt a lot better than Day 1. We now have an idea of what was in store for us and we are all loving it! But it is still really hard work and long hours. That doesn’t matter because we are out here to do a job and all have a common goal. […]

Day 1 in the swamp! 

What a tiring and amazing day!! We started nice and clean, not knowing what to expect.    And we left being able to identify all these different plants and all muddy!!   Treking through this was pretty fun! But watch out for snakes!  I was given the task of “Data Recorder”, which I […]

One Big Beetle

I stumbled upon one of the largest beetles I have ever seen while cutting my way through thick blackberry. This darkling beetle was quite a spectacle to watch as it ventured into different parts of a decaying tree.