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The Battle of New Orleans

The incredibly large painting of The Battle of New Orleans, by Eugene Lami, is breath taking! The amount of time and persistence it must have taken to complete it is mind boggling!

let’s talk leevy

  Checking out these 15 ft concrete walls that hold back sections of the great Mississippi. Constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) between 1965-1985,  poor design flaws and placement were the true reasons for flooding. 

The New Frenchmen Street

Posted from Address not found.  One of my favorite places to catch live music when I am in New Orleans is the epic street known as Frenchmen.  Five years ago this was a slightly sleepy spot where locals were common patrons of the establishments.  Over these past few years, we’ve seen a dramatic change […]

Kicking off our levee tour (day 2) 

Five myths about Hurricane Katrina!  1. Levee failures did not happen until the day after Hurricane Katrina  2. Levees along the Mississippi River failed  3. A Corrupt Orleans Levee Board were responsible for the levee failures  4. Hurricane Katrina was responsible for the devastation to New Orleans  5. New Orleans is a city below sea […]

Second day

Today I tried alligator sauage for the first time. It tasted like any other meat. Expect for the aftertaste. Let’s just say it wasn’t the best aftertaste (few mints didn’t cover the taste). The taste is still in my mouth even after brushing my teeth. Not good. Have to try new things while I’m here […]