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We made it to the islands!

The majority of the team is now on Santa Rosa Island! We have a great ride aboard the ship, The Ocean Ranger, courtesy of the national park service. We arrived and immediately consumed work space with numerous toolboxes, parts, and ROVs. The MPA surveys have been going very well, despite some hangups. Team members Chris […]

What am I most anticipating about our trip

The time is almost here , and soon we shall  be walking the plank in New Orleans.  I am anticipating an overall great learning experiance , with an amazing group of people . Our continued efforts within this program will be known for many years to come . I am thankful to be given this […]

From the folks back home

Posted from Cerritos, California, United States.Hi Pirates! I am anxiously awaiting your adventures in NOLA. Keep in mind that anybody can read this so remember to communicate is if you were talking to an audience full of people who want to enjoy this experience with you. its going to be the 10th anniversary of Katrina, […]

Test Post

Posted from Kenner, Louisiana, United States.This is a test of Log My Trip again
My location is Zeroed here