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Service Learning in New Orleans 2016-04-11 21:02:08

Posted from Camarillo, California, United States. Taking a week to reflect ect back on New Orleans has made me want to go back and do it all again. This was one of the best trips I have ever been on. It was definitely a cultural experience. Before going to NOLA, Dr. Anderson gave many presentations […]

Final Reflection

IMG_2598Posted from Camarillo, California, United States. Well we have been home from our trip for about two weeks now and I find myself really missing New Orleans and its people. Although this trip was exhausting it was also incredibly rewarding. One takeaway from this trip is the increased experience in conducting real-world data collection in […]

Trip Reflection

It’s been a couple weeks since the team returned from New Orleans, and for me personally, it’s given me some time to reflect on the entire trip. First and foremost, this trip hands down was the most rewarding trip I have ever been on. I cannot thank Dr. Anderson enough for giving me the opportunity […]

Going to Santa Rosa Island 

I am going out with the High school group 1 to Santa Rosa island research station. We will be it there for 4 days. It will be a lot of fun but really crazy. More pictures and information to come. 

Fun in the Sun – Discovery and Education with Underwater Robots

It all began with a box filled with PVC pipe, some dedicated AARR students from our B-WET-funded Crossing the Channel Mentoring Program at CSUCI and the very curious students of Robert J. Frank Intermediate School who participate in Ms. Meza’s Oceanography classes (4th and 7th period).  For two weeks this past month, these students learned the history of unmanned […]


New Orleans will always have a place in my heart after this trip. This city is alive with music, culture and cuisine. But this trip showed me there was more to NOLA than Bourbon Street. Places like the lower 9th ward are still broken from hurricane Katrina. The levee tour displayed failures in the system […]

Thesis paper

  I have been doing some more research and reading for my thesis. There is a lot of interesting papers out there about citizen science. I found one about using Twitter for citizen science. It’s been an interesting read. I am feeling a little better about writing my new introduction paper. I am very happy with … Continue reading Thesis paper

More Outliers

Last weekend I collected data on 430 trees. I am also beginning to run various statistics with the data collected. As I close in toward the end of my study, I am beginning to see trends in the data. These graphs and statistics can help prove various growth rates and effectiveness of slope, aspect, height, DBH … Continue reading More Outliers

Done with Data Collection!

I spent the week of spring break out on Santa Rosa Island and was determined to finish up my data collection. Luckily, with the help of Joe Ferguson, I wrapped up all the data collection for my capstone! In the photo above is me and my awesome research…

One more data collection

I am going to collect the last of my water quality data this weekend, since it is supposed to rain. I have also been working on editing my paper and finalizing some of my GIS interpretations.