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Greenhouse Work

My trees continue to grow and every time I go to the greenhouse to check on the growth of the trees there are more germinating.  Although I am very excited to see my plants doing so well and giving me plenty of data I have to spend a lot more time in the greenhouse.  Every … Continue reading Greenhouse Work

Preliminary Results

Hey everyone!  I haven’t finished collecting data yet but there are a few things I have noticed from the growth I have so far.  First of all I am only getting growth in the high water regime, unfortunately the low water regime cannot sustain the trees at such a fragile state.  One of the main … Continue reading Preliminary Results

Research Update 4/3/16

I spent this first week back from spring break looking at peer suggestions for revisions throughout my entire paper and exploring areas in which I can cut information out, or add it in if needed. In addition I practiced my elevator speech, seeing how I have not done so in a while. I received the … Continue reading Research Update 4/3/16

Two Days after NOLA

Life in California is fast and hilly! I definitely appreciate the mountains and regulations we have here in California, but I think us Californians could learn a thing or two from the South. For one the culture is alive there, everyone is living it and it is all different in each person, we should embrace […]

Spring Break in New Orleans

Spring Break was spent in New Orleans with Dr. Sean Anderson. Dr. Anderson has been taking a class to NOLA for the last ten years to do wetland restoration, build community gardens and farms, and learn about the history and culture of the city. We spent eleven days in NOLA, and it was a remarkable…

Amazing trip to New Orleans

After a little over 10 full days in New Orleans, I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. The trip was amazing, to say the least. I learned so much about the ecology, history, culture, and cuisine of such a unique place. We worked hard and the days were long … [Read more…]

Back to GIS and Field Work

I am looking in to using Kernel Density Vs Buffer zones to delineate possible grove expansion in the future. The March 11-13 was good even though it rained the first day I got another 200 trees complete. the next trip is on April 1-3 and i should be ab…

Day 11 Gumbo

Last day of NOLA was bittersweet.  I woke up early and attended an ecumenical church service with Sean and Dr. A.  It was held at Lake View Funeral home and the Zion Harmonizers were the musical guests.  It was a very different experience because the whole service seemed to evolve around the gospel music; the […]