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Impeachment: Contextualizing a Primary Document

**This is an example of how one can contextualize a primary source document using “soft research” skills. It is not authorized for reuse by anyone, under any condition, except with the expressed consent of Sean Kelly, Professor of Political Science, California State University Channel Islands.*** On November 6, 1973 Charles Withuhn of Chico, California, wrote…

Curiosity is the Heart of Discovery

I have never been quite sure what to make of the Curious George children’s books. George is a chimpanzee taken from his jungle home by the Man in the Yellow Hat. George’s curiosity results in many harrowing adventures. He is carried off by a bunch of balloons, he winds up in jail (and escapes!), he…

Highlighting the Impact of Student Research at CI

Student research is integral to the student-centered education we seek to realize at Channel Islands. Studies demonstrate that student research improves retention and raises graduation rates, and helps to close achievement gaps. Student research promotes “deep learning” among students, preparing them with the critical thinking skills needed for success in life and career. Featuring CI … Continue reading

Why I Research

In a recent LA Times Op-Ed Naomi Riley bemoaned academic research in the California State University system. The CSU, she argued, is a “teaching university;” why is the CSU faculty engaAging in research? According to her description full-time faculty avoid teaching by shifting the burden to lecturer faculty so that pre-tenure and more senior faculty…

Announcing the CI Student Research YouTube Channel

Throughout the semester students in the learning community have worked on explaining their research using short elevator speeches, and slightly longer interview segments. All of the videos as they become available are posted on our YouTube Channel. Click here to visit the channel and see some of the students’ work. by

IRLC Students Describe Their Research

Developing the ability to communicate in professional settings is an important skill. Often a researcher has only 30-seconds or a minute to explain a complex research topic to another scholar. In the IRLC students are asked to develop a short presentation–an elevator speech–aimed at describing their research to someone familiar with their field. Lisa Clark … Continue reading