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Meet CI’s SURFers

The Student Research Steering Council is pleased to announce the first group of Student Undergraduate Research Fellows, or SURFers.  Supported with funds from the President and the CI Foundation, we are creating an undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community. Our process for identifying the inaugural group for Spring 2015 began with faculty nominations from which we … Continue reading

Marshmallows are Metaphors

Day 1 of the Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community (IRLC) focused on building marshmallow towers. The marshmallow challenge gives students 18 minutes to create the tallest possible tower–using 20 pieces of uncooked spaghetti, one yard of string, and one yard of masking tape– that can hold a single marshmallow aloft without human support. Studies show that business executives do…

Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community

This is my space for the Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community (IRLC). Seventeen undergraduate researchers from a variety of disciplines are spending the Spring Semester 2015 engaged in a project aimed at infusing research into the CI curriculum. Each student is developing a portfolio of materials, centered on their research, that they can share with their professional network […]

If the Narrative Fits…

The assumption is that member of Congress are self-interested, greedy, obsessed with reelection and usually corrupt. Earmark coverage fits within that narrative.  Cheese Factories on the Moon, page 104) Pet peeve. Media coverage of politics–but especially earmarks–fails to provide sufficient context for readers more often than not. When the facts “confirm” the narrative why bother…

Roll Out the Barrel (We’ll Have a Barrel of Funds)

More than a few commentators have weighed in recently suggesting that perhaps it is time to consider bringing back earmarks. Considering the legislative constipation that is gripping Congress it could not hurt. Bloomberg Businessweek is the latest to float the idea that earmarks might provide some impetus for Congress:  Political hacks used to say pork…

Earmarks Emerging from the Shadows

By almost any measure the 112th Congress was the least productive in several generations, perhaps in the history of the institution. According to a recent poll public approval of Congress is only 9%. Public Policy Polling “found that found is that Congress is less popular than cockroaches, traffic jams, and even Nickelback.” Wow. People would…