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In the homestretch!

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been busy going through multiple drafts of my poster which I will be presenting at SAGE Student Research Conference on Saturday, May, 14th. I finished up my last revisions to the poster this past week, and the past few days have been devoted to writing my thesis paper. I’m happy with…

Final Capstone Trip to Santa Cruz Island

This weekend marked the last of my trips to Santa Cruz Island for my capstone project. It was my final weekend of data collection, and lots of data was collected. It was great weekend to go out to SCI as there was a fire crew on the island conducting controlled burns of previous eucalyptus debris piles….

Greenhouse Update

A few weeks ago I set up the greenhouse on the CI campus for germination trials of Santa Cruz Island Bush Mallow (Malacothamnus fasciculatus). I’m happy to report that some of the seeds have germinated! So far I have around fifteen seedlings, and hope to get more over the coming weeks.

Winter Break Wrap-Up

Winter break has come and gone, and it is now time to get back into the swing of things to finish out my year-long capstone project. I feel like I had a successful winter break in terms of my project, as I was able to accomplish many tasks. With the help of my advisor from the…

Seed Broadcasted!

The weather cooperated this weekend, and I was able to get out to Santa Cruz Island to broadcast our native seed mix. With the help of Paula Power (National Park Service), we made some tweaks to the overall study design, and we feel these tweaks allow for a pretty robust study. In this photo, you…

Seed Preparation

This past week I have been busy preparing seed to be broadcasted out on Santa Cruz Island. We will broadcast the seed mixture in the C Grove and Former Red Gum Grove in the coming week. This seed mixture includes all native species including Baccharis douglasii, Rosa californica, and Bromus carinatus among many others.