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The Importance of Place: Computer Programming

I always thought I knew what place was. Place: a particular position or point in space. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less. It wasn’t until this semester that I realized how wrong I was. Place is a part of who are as people. Place defines us in ways that I never knew how. In this…

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Writing According to You

When it comes to writing, I’ve learned a fair share of rules over the years. Of course, there’s the typical rules, like “i before e except after c,” “don’t use contractions,” “don’t have one sentence paragraphs,” and more. E. Shelley Reid shares more “realistic” rules for today’s writer in my piece “Ten Ways to Think About…

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Advice for My Future

Dear future me, If you are reading this, that means you feel like the universe has pulled the floor from underneath you, leaving you to pick up the broken pieces of your life. You came to this letter, hoping to seek some guidance with dealing with this types of situations (hopefully without pushing the people…

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Reading to Write Like a Writer

In my senior year of high school, I took a creative writing class in hopes to reignite my once strong love of writing. I expected the entire class to consist of short stories and fiction. What I got was more than that: memoirs, poetry, creative nonfiction, and more. I learned so much, thoroughly enjoyed my…

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More Than Meets the Eye

We have all heard the phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover” however it’s kind of in our blood to see things as they appear to be. Examples are all around us: media, books, real life. One of my favorite books is Gregory Maguire’s Wicked, the book that inspires the Tony award winning musical…

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Different People, Different Views

Throughout the entirety of the trip, we experienced the viewpoints of four members of the CI faculty with different backgrounds and different experiences on the island. All the faculty’s perspectives not only have to do with the island’s physical aspects but its attachment to us and how it affects us and we affect it. Their…

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Seeing Things In A Different Light

When I first heard we were going to Santa Rosa Island, I will admit I was both excited and nervous. A weekend away from civilization sounded nice but there was a big chance that I wouldn’t be able to get any work done, which stressed me out a bit. But when we got to the…

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Being Apart of History

          I’ve always had some kind of connection with Ronald Reagan. In the second grade, my class was given a project to research a president that was assigned to us, write a one-paragraph report on that president, and present our report to the class. I was assigned Ronald Reagan. At first, I was little unsure…

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My Take on the World 2015-09-18 23:18:41

On April 9, 1968, Richard Eggers from Red Buff, California wrote to Congressman Harold “Bizz” Johnson to give his insight on two topics that were swiping the country: civil rights and the Vietnam War. Mr. Eggers starts off by saying that he’s studied these two topics rather well, so his opinions aren’t just made on…

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The Vietnam War. I think of it as the war we didn’t need to get involved in. I think it and, most likely, a majority of America did too at the time. With wave after wave of troops were sent across the Pacific, many Americans were probably thinking, “Here we go again. We do not…

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