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Final Post

1) I give myself a 1 for how consistant I was with uploading my blogs. 2)I give myself a one for commenting on other’s blogs. 3) In the posts I did post, i give myself a 4 with how integrated the course information was in the post. 4) My strengths in my blogs were that […]

Show 3

This episode is a great example of Chapter 8 conflicts Throughout the episode there are multiple examples of Affective Conflicts, where there are personal attacks that may contribute to even more conflicts within the tribes. Since Jeremy’s wife was sent home ìn episode 2, he feels a resentment towards the baseball player John for not […]

Blood VS Water

they have these couples and family members separate which will bring out tension between members of kin and team members. They immediately make a couple go against their spouse for the “true test of blood vs water.” Its already emotional! The punishment is to go to exile island. They are going to miss out on […]