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Nov. 14 Chapter 9 and 9

I found the terminology and idea of Social Frontiers, boundary spanners, border crossers, and advocates particularly valuable. I think this philosophy creates a clear understanding of the leadership role, in a variety of situations, not limited to diversity and social justice. I like the way boundaries were described, not as divisions, but as ”ambiguous middle […]

Nov. 8 Yosso-Cultural Capital

First of all, I find it sad that this idea of valuing cultural capital needs to be turned into a formal theory and study in order to be recognized. It seems like such basic idea that all cultures have value. As I read I began to understand what Critical Race Theory is and how it […]

Oct. 31 Monitoring Progress on Diversity

I love the opening paragraph of this chapter about “projectitus” where in diversity activity is equated with diversity progress. The author  goes on to mention that leaders (and I would add ‘others’) grow tired of “spending time on yet another task force”. Continuing on, the author reiterates, “campus reviews of diversity often consist more of information on activities […]

Oct. 31 Inclusive Leadership and Religion

As a teacher, I’ve been nervous when students ask questions, or mention “God”, “Jesus”, or such in my classroom. I find myself walking on eggshells during the holidays. For ELD it’s important to teach vocabulary for the holidays that students experience in our country. I occasionally have students who do not celebrate holidays at all. […]

Oct. 25 Chapter 7

Because my week is so busy, and the readings are long and complex, I don’t get the chance to read them slowly enough, or with the best circumstances, to absorb and make all the connections. However, there are always statements that stand-out for some reason and make me think a little more deeply, or resonate […]


I’m not completely finished with all three readings yet, but decided to post part of my reflection since I was late in posting from Colorado last week. I finished reading the Hernandez article and Theoharis chapter 6. I felt concerned about a few different points as I read. First, I was already aware of the […]

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Oct. 4 English Learners

I earned my degree and credential out of state. When I returned to California I began working as substitute teacher in the LAUSD. I was shocked when I walked into my first assignment. It was first grade, minutes from my home. When I walked in the door I learned that I would be teaching in […]


As I read Chapter 5 I found myself a little disinterested in the concern of having faculty members of diversity at the college level. Personally, I’ve had a fairly diverse set of instructors. Some have been great and some I felt were not high quality. The text did a good job of presenting some of […]