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Blog#9: What Can You Do?

Last class began slightly differently. Julian’s “activity” came last rather than in the beginning. We first discussed the Tunnel of Oppression event and the thoughts and feelings it brought out. I believe we all agreed that there wasn’t much participation in the discussions and the leaders didn’t encourage much talking. However, the experience made us […]

Blog#8: Students of Low Economic Status

Last class began with an activity conducted by Julian discussing campus involvement. He provided a power point presentation with opportunities and how to access them as well as why to get involved on campus. I liked the presentation because it opened my eyes to the various ways that students could be involved that I was […]

Blog Post#7: Gender in Higher Education

Our discussion of sexual orientation in class was a few weeks ago, but it was eye opening. We participated as a class in a “star activity”. Each student got a star of a certain color and was instructed to write their name in the center and various things on the points, such as a close […]

Blog#6: Gender and Sexual Orientation

Last class began with instructions from Julian on how to write an outline. I believe this will come in handy, especially in this class where we must write an outline for credit. I have been writing outlines for years, so this wasn’t exactly new to me, but it stressed the importance of doing so. Regardless […]

Blog Post#5: Ability/ Disability

Our last class session began with an APA lesson plan through a power point by Julian. I thought it was good material to know but it went too fast to really write anything down. However, he did say he would email the power point, which would be good to have and very useful. Afterwards, we […]

Sydney Phillips Blog#2: Reflection & Diversity Imperative

I had my first DIG meeting last Thursday and was able to express concerns I had in class, one of which was taking in all of the assigned reading each week. As a result of the group’s concern’s Julian designed an activity around writing tips. It was important to be able to hear other student’s ideas […]