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blog post 10

1) 4 2) 4 3) 5 4) I enjoy writing critiques of shows or reviews so this was not a particularly painful process for me.  I attempted to delve into the chapter content while not trying to totally regurgitate the plot of each episode.  I believe I did well at making connections between the show…

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week 7

This weeks episode was a full on display on how leadership can affect a group.  The two dueling “leaders” Josh and Jeremy squared off in a decisive week of the show.  Survivor went out of its way to really promote the showdown between the leader of both alliances.  Every plot line of the episode revolved…

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Week 6: The Merge

The long awaited tribal merging has arrived.  New alliances were formed and new twists in the game developed.  Really though nothing major happened.  Tribe had a merging feast, lady kept some extra trail mix to herself, rest of tribe caught her and flipped out.  Okay maybe more happened then I first let on.  The tone…

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Survivor week 5

The biggest takeaway from this episode regarding the chapter is how much pseudo and selective listening was taking place.  Both tribes displayed very poor listening skills. Starting with the hunaphu tribe, we saw the group attempt to make a collective decision about food. The scene played out as if a few group members had already…

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Week 4

I found the most interesting aspect of this weeks episode to be how the indiviualist vs collectivist ideas played out.  When the new tribes were assembled you could see very quickly how the new disbursement of group members were affecting people.  The new tribe members quickly attempted to assimilate into a collective in time for…

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The False Genius

I swear, just last week I thought John Rocker displayed the heights of stupidity.  Boy was I wrong.  Could the people on this show be any dumber? The genius that is Drew was on full display this week.  I can understand fixing a challenge when there is an overarching plan behind the curtain.  Had Drew…

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Survivor Blog 2

This week on survivor the infamous John Rocker showed how one group member can disrupt a tribe.  Before I get into a few of the member roles that I noticed I want to quickly rant about how terrible of a strategy Mr. Rocker employed.  The blond girl in his group pretty clearly stated during the…

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Survivor Week 1

The first two weeks of survivor clearly demonstrated how important the process of group development was. The first two proponents of group development were front and center. The forming stage and the primary tension stage are what led to the first two contestants getting voted off of the show. The first contestant Nadiya was voted…

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Survivor Week 1

The first two weeks of survivor clearly demonstrated how important the process of group development was. The first two proponents of group development were front and center. The forming stage and the primary tension stage are what led to the first two contestants getting voted off of the show. The first contestant Nadiya was voted…

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