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As the curtain drops.

My blog posts aside from two missing, were all on time. Although it took me a few blogs to get the time zone correct I believe I received a 4. My blogs contained course content as well as other observations. I made sure to comment almost every time I blogged although I did miss two, […]

Vote with us.

After Jeremy is voted out by John’s own hidden agenda, Natalie find herself perplexed and violated by her own group. What she once thought was a strong loyal alliance, had voted out one of its own, leaving her uneasy about her own security. Natalie vows to get back at her group for going against their […]

Here’s your fake idol

Chapter 7 is about  listening, the book defines listening as “the ability to understand,analyze, respect, ad appropriately respond to meanings of another person’s spoken and nonverbal messages”(Engleberg and Wynn, pg151). Although humans spend a lot of time listening, we are not very good at it. This episode was a hard match to the reading I […]

Go wash a car, Drew.

My favorite episode so far, “We’re a Hot Mess” ends with a bang that no one saw coming, the self proclaimed “Kingpin” Drew goes home. (haha) As the group gets closer to the merge it is imperative that alliances are made and those who should not be in the game, are gone. After Drew throws […]

Actions vs Accusations!

After Val gets voted out we see a shift in the orange  group. One aspect we see play out is need for affection theory, Johns girlfriend Julie has an issue with everyone disliking John for what he had done in the past, as well as that him saying he was going to beat up a […]

Survivor episode two, chapter two

Although this was not my first time watching survivor, it was my first time engaging with the media and applying it to group work which actually made the episode more interesting to watch. In episode two it opens up with an emotional reaction by one of the contestants who her sister to a tribe deliberation. […]