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Shoulder dislocation FUN FACTS

1. The shoulder is the most commonly dislocated joint the in body. 2. High activity level is the greatest predisposing factor for shoulder dislocation. 3. Dislocation hurts. 4. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. It is capable of circumduction, rotation, and has a range of motion of more than 180 degrees…

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Nephro Vite

  Who? Renal patients who undergo dialysis require replacement of the water soluble vitamins (B vitamins and ascorbic acid). Nephro Vite may also be prescribed patents with alcoholism. What? Nephro Vite is a multivitamin containing B-vitamins and folic and ascorbic acid. When? Nephro Vite is a once daily multivitamin. Where? Nephro Vite is used in…

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This is my dog, Stella

To honor National Dog Day, I’m making my first post a picture of my dog, Stella. She’s usually right side up but this is not exactly uncommon either.