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Field Photos

Despite working with cameras for my capstone, I have yet to have a photo of myself working. I’m heading back out over spring break with Dr. O’Hirok’s stream team, I’m sure there will be ample opportunities for field photos then. In the mean time, this is the best I have. The Lobo Canyon camera, capturing the back of my legs the last time I checked it. 

GIS again

After receiving feedback from classmates last week, I found some time to tweak the map I had made. While still from the final version, it’s getting there. (I just realized I forgot north arrows and scale bars, that will be worked on this week.) Locations of Cameras map_V2


Everyone in class has a map due this week. I took GIS two years ago, and have completely forgotten how to do basic functions since. After a bit of googling, I was able to create a basic map. This is far from the final map, but I’ve learned I need to hone my GIS skills soon. Locations of Cameras map

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