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End of the Road

Image Retrieved from:https://www.flickr.com/photos/96614226@N00/447710918 I can still remember the first day of nursing school, thinking what a long journey laid ahead of me, three years of endless emotions and experiences. Now I am in my last week and it is unbelievable. The sensation seems unreal, time passed in the blink of an eye and just like … Continue reading End of the Road

Hurricane Katrina: Healthcare Perspective

Image Retrieved from: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/07/hurricane-katrina-after-the-flood Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive “natural” disaster in US History. It impacted about 90,000 square miles and displaced over two million people.  The healthcare infrastructure in New Orleans ranked among poorest in the nation and the hurricane greatly impacted the healthcare infrastructure. Hospital basements were flooded and medications, food, equipment … Continue reading Hurricane Katrina: Healthcare Perspective

Implantable Wireless Device that Measures Pulmonary Artery Pressure in Patients with HF

  Heart Failure is a   common condition  with more than 5 million Americans affected by it. In order to treat heart failure lifestyle modifications and a medication regimen is followed.  Currently St Jude Medical released their new product called the Cardio MEMS HF System. It is the first FDA-approved HF monitoring device that has … Continue reading Implantable Wireless Device that Measures Pulmonary Artery Pressure in Patients with HF

Homework #1

An interactive website for a class???? Well this is the adventure my fellow peers and I will have to embark on for this semester in NRS 420. This will be our first ever interactive website! It seems a little scary but once we have mastered the skills to navigate through the web and manage our … Continue reading Homework #1