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The End: What Digital Citizenship really Means

When I first started this class I thought digital citizen meant leaving a copy of yourself by accident or purposefully on the web and because of this you should watch what you post because it influences others. Through out this semester we have told the world about us, so to speak. We have also looked […]

Tech Voices

Both the video and article talk about how technology is advancing. And that we should implement using it in classes to share information and knowledge as well as engage . They also both put forth the thought to share and collaborate on an idea which happens when things are shared among people who notice or have […]

Engage 3

So again I engaged in social media. Via Twitter and facebook on the topic of higher education affordability . I tweeted to politicians @JebBush @HilaryClinton, and @SenSanders. I also commented or Replied to posts I saw on the topic. But to no avail how ever I did get a favorite on a post on starbucks paying for their employees education.  […]

Engage Part 2

This week is part two of the challenge engagement. We are supposed to take to social media and actively participate in conversation and share on our topics. My topic was the affordability of college tuition/ higher education. I first posted on my twitter, the app for school called “Schools APP”, and once on Facebook. But to no avail. How ever Melissa of #UNIV349DC did re-tweet one of my tweets and I believe she replied to my Schools APP post as well. So THANKS MELISSA!!!! Its a politically driven topic but it seems like they move on to the more popular topics each week. And we (The Affordable Higher Education topic) we’re so two weeks ago. But I’ve seen a lot more posts on the topic and have re-tweeted a few things myself. It will be interesting to see if we get any replies from presidential  candidates or others. I did retweet a post @SenSanders  that  @verda_verde posted. Things are starting to flow a bit more smoothly. I slightly kept forgetting about the class hashtag but when I did remember I started using it. I haven’t started replying back to others tweets I’ve seen posted, I figured I would evolve with the topic and do that for next week and build off the findings and see how that goes.  

challenge 4.2

So I guess when I was reading it sort of muddled together and I did a bit of both. I’m lurking on facebook and twitter. Anaylizng, comparing and contrasting what I find on a certain topic; mine is the affordability/cost of college tuition. This I found on twitter. Which is on the rising cost of room and board. I can […]

Challenge 4

This weeks challenge is to lurk on two social media sites. The objective is to read posts and dialogue between the community on a certain topic and analyze the interactions without adding to it. My topic was the affordability of higher education. I chose twitter and facebook for my lurking process. On twitter there were […]

Part 3: #Social Media@

our objective this week was to search social media on our topic, If you’ve read this far you know my topic is the cost of higher education. I searched twitter and facebook. My first search was on twitter and I typed in Cost of higher education and didn’t get much, well I did but I […]

Part 2

So I searched for scholarly articles on the topic of affordability of college and I found a lot of African Americans not being able to reach for higher education because its too expensive for them type articles. I understood it but I didn’t really get it. Is that only including the people that aren’t awarded financial aid and they pay out of […]

Facts and ADveRTISeMENTS

Remember when we thought everything we found on the internet was true. The challenge is to determine fact from fake while getting information on a topic. So that’s what I hope I did. I did as directed and searched engines Google, yahoo, and duck duck go.  I found my search results quite interesting…. I first […]

Social Problems: The College Years

In every phase of life we encounter problems  and eventually solutions. As younger people in college there are many social issues to be aware of if you haven’t already experienced them in some form or another. A few social issues college students face are homelessness, the affordability of college, and alcoholism. These three issues are very […]