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Blog Post #10 Reflection Blogging & Participation

  1) 4, wasn’t always on time. 2) 1, I missed that part until the last blog. 3) 5, I tried my best to relate the chapters and episodes. 4)My strengths in blogging was summarizing the episodes, and giving examples. 5)One way to improve on my blogging is posting them on time, and revising the…

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Survivor Blog Post #9

This weeks episode relates to chapter 6-5th edition called, “Group Motivation”. In this episode I see a lot of motivation in the tribe members. For example, Natalie feels anger against John because he made Jeremy get voted out, so her motivation is to find the last idol to get John out. When the two groups…

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Survivor Blog Post #8

This survivor episode got me mad. John has turned very selfish. In this episode relates again to our communication, especially leadership. John wants to become the leader. Him and everyone else are intimidated by Jeremy who seems to be the leader and the most strongest player in the team. Everyone rest in the team want…

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Blog Post #8

Part II: This weeks readings were about poverty affecting college students. The reading that was more meaningful to me was ” From homeless to college grad”, by Circelli. This article was a powerful because it covered the story of a poor college student name William. William grew up in poverty with his grandmother. Thanks to…

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Blog Post #7

Part I Our last two sessions in class where pretty interesting.  Two weeks ago the activity with the stars was touching. During the activity i had a blue star i believe where my family and friends where having a hard time accepting but still supporting the decision. The whole time i was thinking about my…

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Survivor Blog Post #6

Survivor today was called Million Dollar Decision was a surprising episode. At the end Julie ended up quitting from the challenge because she felt alone and stuck in a hole. Chapter 6, Verbal and Non Verbal had a lot to do with this episode. In this episode both tribes were combined, so everyone was in…

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survivor Blog Post #4

Episode 5 in Survivor, Blood is Blood, was different than the previous episodes. Relating to our last class meeting we got to see who was the characteristics of each person in the tribe. At first everyone was shocked that Drew was gone, but even more shocked to find out the tribe members where changing. One…

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Blog post #5

        Part 1 Julian’s discussion about the APA format was very helpful. He came into the rescue because i was curious about the right way to cite my resources and using the right format for my future papers that i have to do. Julian’s presence and discussion are helpful and i like…

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Survivor Blog Post #2

On this show of survivor, episode 2, things between the tribes started to get more intense.  Things got emotional after Nadya’s sister found out she was kicked off the island, she was left feeling alone. Her tribe supported her and made her feel better, and as a group thats what you do, you support eachother….

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Blog Post #4

PART I Last week Julian started off our class by putting us into group and giving us a note card with a specific situation. He asked us to discuss in out small groups and describe how would we confront this situation. Our group got a situation that said something like, “You have completed a difficult…

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