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Survivor Episode 1: Blood VS Water

The first episode of survivor was a bit intense. As everyone arrived to Nicaragua, either with a family member or a lover, the same night they were seperated and divided into two tribes, either blue and orange teams . Right after the seperation and the creation of the two tribes, chapter 2 of group development took place….

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Blog Post #3

Part I Last week I got really sick so i wasn’t able to make it to class. I was bummed out because i really enjoy going to class, ever since the first day I see things differently regarding diversity in America. My eyes were opened to realized how privilege I am for being where i…

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Blog Post #2

I feel that last’s week session was a little emotional. In the activity that we did we realized how must of have gone through many things in life to be where we are today. Some have suffer more than others. Most of us where in the back of the line during this activity, it touched…

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