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episode 10 ch9- blog 7

In episode 10 I related concepts from chapter 9. Chapter 10 deals with group decision making and problem solving.  Throughout the whole series all of the members use these theories and also contradict these theories in order to move through successfully.  The interesting thing with relating these concepts is most of the theories are based […]

survivor blog 03-getting to crunch time

In this weeks challenge, each tribe was split into two groups. This challenge was quite simple compared to the other challenges. Each team of five would have one member face off against the other teams member on a shaky beam where they would try and knock the other person off with a long stick. It […]

Survivor Blog 02-Million Dollar Decision

The last Survivor, Blood v. Water, episode I watched aired on November fifth and was called “Million Dollar Decision”.  Since watching the past episodes, it seemed like most logical step, according to the way they organized the tribes. They have really been trying to test all of the tribe members with all of the switch […]

Episode 6

In Episode 6 of Survivor Blood vs. Water, members of each tribe had a lot to think about from the previous episode. The things that happened after the switch up on the last episode, had quite an affect on the members actions and emotions.  Tribe Coyopa had some internal conflict that reflected the last vote-off. Dale’s […]

Survivor blog 03

In the latest episode of Survivor, Blood vs Water, we saw some interesting changes. The tribe members were thrown for a loop when they switched up the members in the tribe. This messed up many of the alliances that had been formed throughout the show. The major switch made Kieth the only single player on […]

Survivor blog 02-Episode 2 Ch. 3

Survivor blog post 2 In episode 2 of Survivor, Blood vs Water, a lot of the personal issues between the tribe members start to come out. This episode really starts to show some of the tribe members true colors when it comes to communication and personal relationships. The stress of competition and the desire to […]