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Episode 7

From the start Julie kind of seemed like she could handle her own but in the end she quit which i thought would be a disadvantage to her tribe as well as inconsiderate. Also i felt like maybe it could have been too much on her and maybe the challenges have worn her down. Indeed […]

Blood is blood

Hunahpu definitely thought tribal was a learning experience. Coyopa does not think (well Alec thinks) that Drew has not gotten voted off but he and his tribe are in for a surprise. Everyone is surprised and Alec thinks Hunahpu thought Drew was a threat. To start off , members are going to switch tribes. Daughter […]

We’re a hot mess

Coyopa- since they voted the strongest guy off the team they thought this would help them with being more positive Dale thinks he needs to step up more in the group Hunahpu -Nataly found the flint which amazed the group. Drew thinks hes a leader when its total opposite with the tribe, they find him […]

Actions vs. accusations

With the hunnapu tribe Everyone worked together to redesign their roof while (wow cant remember his name haha) watched them weave while he slept. The tribe thinks he is self centered as well as not pulling his weight in the tribe He is now seemed as useless. One person from each tribe had to participate […]

Episode 2

With episode 2 i believe that members of both tribes began to form their own personal bonds as well as attitudes toward each other. In hunnahpu the girls began to dislike some of the male members of the tribe such as Jon & Jeremy (might be different names, cant remember) Also, conflict erupted when Jon […]

Episode One

While watching Episode one, right away i witnessed a strong bond between their partners which they were then separated from and brought to a formation of teams or tribes without the comfort of their partners. They are now in a group of contestants from which they are estranged from but soon will need to become […]