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Last blog!! =)

Wow, I cannot believe that this is already our last blog! Anyhow, since I had such an interesting patient two weeks ago and since this blog has to relate to critical care I have decided to talk about his vent settings. I don’t know about anyone else, but I truly enjoyed learning about vents; which … Continue reading Last blog!! =)

Week 7 Hw

Since I worked today and work was probably going to be the most exposure to people that I was going to have, I decided to question co-workers; I asked a total of three co-workers. Co-worker One: She is taking Accutane for acne. When asked what she knew about her medication she informed me that is … Continue reading Week 7 Hw

Week 4: Cardiovascular

The CardioMEMS HF System is a small implantable device for patients with heart failure, hypertension, peripheral neuropathy and other additional cardiovascular disorders that eventually result in heart failure. This device was created with the purpose of better managing heart failure in patients from their homes. The CardioMEMS HF is a sensor/ monitor device that is … Continue reading Week 4: Cardiovascular

Yesenia Rosas 2015-02-01 02:48:32

Here is what I have eaten all day: Hot chocolate Fruit smoothie (spinach, 1 slice of cantaloupe, 1 slice of pineapple, ½ banana, and one orange) Sandwich (mayo, mustard, 2 slices of ham, spinach, and pickles) with one bag of hot cheetos :/ Mexican cobb chicken salad Lots of water Hershey chocolate If I were … Continue reading